Advancing one step at a time

Start With One Step

Priceless Esteem, an online Christian store, opened for business on Friday, December 15, 2023. As of this Friday, January 26, 2024, six weeks have passed since our inception. Establishing this business has involved a journey, starting from the idea in the back of the mind and ending with the finishing touches. We are happy to have made it this far in the adventure. We’re advancing one step at a time.

We continue to learn as we move forward and put fresh, motivating ideas into practice. We have learned our way through the establishment of launching this firm.

Advancing Into The Next Step

I hope this message serves as both an inspiration to the reader and a record of our progress.

Maybe you’re timid but highly talented, or you have a gift or expertise. Maybe you have a questionable desire in your heart that is for the betterment of others as well as yourself. Perhaps you consider yourself to be unworthy. It’s likely that you’ve been denigrated by someone and convinced that this is impossible. Alternatively, you can think you have a brilliant idea but not enough funding for it. It’s likely that you told yourself, “This can’t be done because I have no connections.”

I can sympathize with your frustrations. I’m well aware of the terrible effects that unfavorable remarks may have on someone. I had to leave it after experiencing it. Even though I was scared to begin, I persisted since I knew that getting through the process would require determination.

In prayer, I sought the Lord. I was curious as to what He desired of me. Curious about how to use what I had been given in the earthly realm. I really believed that everything I did was done with the intention of exalting God and bearing His name. I consulted the verse in the Bible that says:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. – In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6.

I want to exhort you to ask the Lord for guidance, putting your faith in Him to guide you. Consider your worries and anxieties in prayer. I promise you that you will be encouraged if you spend time with the Lord as you study His word. The Lord’s word is powerful and beneficial to you. Thus advancing one step at a time.

Take heart.

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